The Chronicles of Christmas Preparation With a 2 Year Old - Three Happy Folk
Ah, the days when our babies were so teeny tiny you could bring them everywhere you went. At least that was my experience. Not to brag, really, I’m not bragging but just stating a fact, I had the EASIEST infant in the history of infants. I regularly would comment to others in the first few months of her life “What the hell is everyone talking about? Being a mother is easy…” And then she turned 2. Don’t get me wrong, my little one is still super cool, hilarious, loves adventure and is FUN! FUN! FUN! She is usually very well behaved considering everything in the world is a giant mystery to her at this point in her life. However, like many people are feeling right about now, Christmas just came out of nowhere all of a sudden and I have a less than a week to get everything done! WHAT?! So guess who’s taggin’ along! I’ve created a small comic of a few of our attempts at getting ready for Christmas. Sorry, I’m not the best artist, but I think my point has been made. Enjoy!