Food & Drink

Healthy Bone Broth Detox Soup

January 3, 2017

It’s 2017!  Let’s just cut to the chase; Christmas is over and we are all a little fatter.  Every year it’s the same vicious cycle so I’ll start the year with some healthy food!

It’s probably obvious by now that I love to eat but eating healthy is definitely important to me.  I beam with pride when I see my daughter happily eating her salad and even at times asking for one!  I’m going to skip the whole New Years Resolution spiel because there is no reason why eating healthy has to be boring or feel like a chore.  I want you to feel as excited about broccoli and Swiss chard as I do!

I have done a few cleanses over the years (which my doctor literally rolled his eyes at me for) but I feel so good afterwards!  I find it makes it easier for me to continue to choose healthy foods after a cleanse, however cleanses are not a good idea to do regularly and certainly not okay for children.  So I’ve started implementing more naturally cleansing foods in our meals in place of a quick short-term cleanse instead.  And the best part is I don’t feel hungry or like I am missing out on good food while my body is busy working away at healing itself.

When I made this soup I first served it as a side with our dinner.  I enjoyed it so much I ended up not eating my dinner and devouring a second bowl of soup instead.  It was a great feeling getting up from the table for the first time in a week and not feeling like I had to lie down HA!  It is full of detoxifying vegetables like carrots, celery and broccoli to flush out all those holiday toxins and homemade bone broth for extra immunity.  I make my own bone broth quite often; I use it regularly in recipes and because it freezes so nicely it’s no trouble to store.  You can use any broth you choose for this soup but if you decide to go with the bone broth you will get those added minerals to support your immune health.  So boil those bones!

*Another great way to cleanse your body naturally is green tea.  I love green tea, drank it for years and years until one day it made me so terribly sick and has every time since to the point that I can no longer drink it!  If anyone knows why this may be happening to me I’d love to hear it because I can’t get a straight answer anywhere.  Why can’t I drink green tea!?

Healthy Bone Broth Detox Soup


1 tbsp olive oil
1 large turnip, peeled and diced
1 medium yellow onion, diced
3 garlic cloves, minced
4 celery stalks, diced
4 large carrots, peeled and diced
8 cups bone broth or vegetable broth
1 can pinto beans, drained and rinsed
1 small zucchini, diced
1 small bunch Swiss chard, coarsely chopped to bite size pieces
1 small head of broccoli, chopped
1/2 cup fresh cilantro, coarsely chopped


In your soup pot, heat olive oil on medium-low heat.  Add turnip, onion, garlic, celery and carrots and cook for about 5 minutes, stirring frequently.

Next, add bone broth and beans.  Cover and simmer on low heat for 1 hour.

About 20 minutes before serving, add zucchini, Swiss chard, broccoli, cilantro; stir, and continue to simmer.

Salt and pepper to taste before serving.  Enjoy!


By Three Happy Folk

Adapted From Skinny Mom




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  • Reply Soleil April 27, 2017 at 1:54 pm

    That was a great recipe, I’d like to try that some other time. For now, I’m taking Au Bon Broth because of always being busy but it actually tastes like home-made. I love that you put zucchini on your recipe!

    • Reply Krista April 27, 2017 at 4:13 pm

      Thank you! I do love my zucchini 🙂 And yes, give it a try. Let me know how you like it when you do.

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