Food & Drink

Homemade Strawberry Rhubarb Popsicle’s with Coconut Milk

July 12, 2016

Guess what I got?…a big bag of rhubarb!  **Fist pump**  My mouth started watering as soon as Janna pulled it from the freezer.  My mind was racing on the drive home about what I was going to make with it.  Oh the possibilities!

Now this may shock some of you especially based on the fact that the majority of my posts are desserts, but I am actually a pretty healthy eater.  I like to follow the 80/20 rule and not deprive myself of my favorite treats and I can enjoy them a little more guilt free when I know my meals are wholesome.  Unfortunately however I have allowed my daughter the horrible routine of having dessert (more as bribery really) if she eats all of her dinner.  Growing up we ALWAYS had dessert after supper, always.  My grandfather says “keep your fork” as the dinner plates are being cleared because we all know meal time isn’t over yet!  I don’t completely oppose the act of eating a treat after you eat a meal but it should not be cookies and pie every time.  So today I decided to make a cool and healthy treat to beat some of this summer heat we’ve been having the last few days and made homemade strawberry rhubarb popsicle’s with coconut milk.

Aaron was my first guinea pig, Mairead was the second.  Right away Aaron said they were delicious but he has to say that so I usually go by Mairead’s very (sometimes brutally) honest reviews.  She wasn’t even finished her first popsicle before she was opening the freezer for a second one.  Well step aside Popsicle Pete, it’s another win for Mama!

These popsicles were very simple to make but required a little patience as you have to freeze them bit by bit (the instructions explain this better).  You will need a popsicle mold for this recipe.  **If the popsicle handles supplied with your mold sink far into the mold you may want to opt for wooden popsicle sticks as you are freezing it in sections it may be too hard to stick the plastic stick in in the end.  Enjoy!

Homemade Strawberry Rhubarb Popsicle's with Coconut Milk


Homemade Strawberry Rhubarb Popsicle’s with Coconut Milk 



2 cups rhubarb, chopped
1 cup strawberries
1/2 cup honey or maple syrup
3/4 cup coconut milk


In a medium sized saucepan, add rhubarb, strawberries, honey/syrup and set heat to low.  Simmer  for about 10 minutes or until fruit is tender.

Add fruit mixture to a blender and blend on medium-high until pureed.  Cool completely.

Drop 1 tbsp of puree into each mold and place in the freezer for about 15 minutes.  Remove and add 1 tbsp of coconut milk and freeze again.  Alternate the layers of puree and milk freezing in between until the mold is filled and place your sticks in the middle of each popsicle.
*If using longer sticks, stick them into the first or second layer before freezing and drop the remaining layers around the stick or else it may be too frozen to insert the sticks.  Mine were only about half way up the popsicle and inserted fine in the end.

Freeze completely before serving.



Made by Three Happy Folk

Adapted from Veggie Inspired

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